The main products of Sanoh Magyar Kft. are automotive parts manufactured by steel pipe processing. In relation of their use, our parts can be divided into two categories: brake and fuel tubes. Our products are classified as vital importance safety components and for this reason quality receives special attention during production.
Brake tubes
Steel ducts produced with brazing, wich are characterized by high pressure containment. Thanks to the various coating layers, parts withstand corrosion and physical effects throughout the entire life of the vehicle, thus ensuring the conformity of the parts.
Fuel tubes
Single-wall steel tubes are produced by welding, which are suitable for delivering fuel from the fuel tank to the engine. Thanks to the various coating layers, part withstand corrosion and physical effects throughout the entire life of the vehicle, thus ensuring the conformity of the part.
Bent Products
We supply the majority of our customers with tubes that are bent to shape. After the tubes are fitted with the necessary components and the tube flanges are formed, the parts are bent to the shape according to the technical drawing.
Tube assemblies
If required, we can also assemble tube bundles, thereby speeding up the installation into the vehicle for our customers.